Monday, 11 August 2014

Murut's Warrior-Ontoros Antanom

Murut Warriors

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Murut people (Murut means “Men of the Hills”) are famous for their headhunting history and bravery. Their traditional warrior costume is always my favorite, so are their stories. We still could find pieces of their past in their dance performance and festival (such as Kalimaran Festival). With a bit of imagination, I try to use some photos to paint a complete picture of how they looked like in the past…
Photo: Ontoros Antonom Memorial
Murut Warriors
Standing in the heart of Tenom town is the Memorial of Ontoros Antonom, a Murut hero who led the uprising against the British colonists in 19th century. Under the administration of British Chartered North Borneo Company (BCNBC) more than 100 years ago, besides imposing many funny taxes, which the locals never heard of, British also forced every Murut couple, who had two children, to give up one of them as forced labor.
Photo: Murut warrior get ready for battle
Murut Warriors
Running out of tolerance, Ontoros Antonom gathered nearly a thousand of Murut warriors from Tenom, Keningau dan Pensiangan to fight the British empire in 1915. According to the description in Murut Museum, the British officers were totally shocked to see hundreds of Murut flooded their administration building and attacked them. The document also mentions Ontoros Antonom built a few strongholds that even got underground tunnels and houses!
Photo: The rise of Murut warriors
Murut Warriors
In April 1915, British sent 400 soldiers equipped with firearm to counter attack. Though Murut were only using primitive weapons such as blowpipes, swords and spears, British army failed to take them down. Therefore, they set a trap by offering a peace talk at Rundum. When Ontoros Antonom and his followers were on their way to the venue, hundreds of British surrounded them and arrested them. Later Ontoros Antonom was executed. This Sabah hero died at age of only 30 (year 1885-1915). Seeing more and more corrupted, self-interest and big-mouth Sabah politicians nowadays, the more I respect this hero who loved his land and really did something for his people.
Photo: Warriors departed for battle
Murut Warriors
Photo: Murut girl celebrated the victory of the warriors with Anggalang dance
Murut Warriors
Below are the weapons used by Murut to fight gun and bullets. Note the hole in the spear. It is a 2-in-1 weapon (Blowpipe + Spear). Also note the human hair at the end of the headhunter sword. I wanted to buy the headhunter sword (for appreciation, of course not for headhunting), but it costs RM300 (nearly USD100). Ok… O_O
Murut Warriors
Below are the containers that store the darts and poison for blowpipe.
Murut Warriors
Photo: Murut girls waiting for the return of the Murut warriors
Murut Warriors
Murut Warriors
The era of conflict and headhunting has become a thing of the past. No matter you are British or tourists from other countries, what you will experience here is very warm welcome from our friendly Murut people. They will invite you to dance with them and even try the blowpipe.
Photos taken in Sabah, Malaysia Borneo


Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas.
Patung Ontoros Antanom di Tenom.
Antanum atau Antanom (nama penuh Ontoros Antanom) (1885-1915) adalah pahlawan Murut yang terkenal dan perkasa dari Borneo Utara (kini Sabah), Malaysia yang menurut sejarah lisan tempatan didakwa memiliki kuasa sakti. Oleh itu dia telah menerima sokongan dari ketua dan penduduk dari kampung sekitar Keningau, Tenom, Pensiangan dan Rundum dan mendorong kepada kebangkitan Rundum menentang Syarikat Borneo Utara British tetapi telah terbunuh semasa pertempuran dengan tentera syarikat di Sungai Selangit berhampiran Pensiangan.[1]

Revolusi Rundum

Dibawah pentadbiran Syarikat Borneo Utara British (British Chartered North Borneo Company - BCNBC), selain mengenakan pelbagai cukai yang tidak pernah didengari oleh penduduk tempatan, pihak British turut memaksa setiap pasangan Murut yang memiliki dua orang anak untuk menyerahkan seorang dari mereka sebagai buruh syarikat.
Hilang sabar, Ontoros Antonom mengumpulkan hampir seribu pahlawan Murut dari Tenom, Keningau dan Pensiangan untuk menentang empayar British pada tahun 1915. Pegawai British dikejutkan dengan beratus pahlawan Murut membanjiri bangunan pentadbiran mereka dan menyerang mereka. Ontoros Antonom membina beberapa kubu dengan terowong bawah tanah dan rumah.
Pada April 1915, pihak British menghantar 400 orang tentera yang dilengkapi dengan senjata api bagi menyerang balas. Sungguhpun pihak Murut hanya memiliki senjata asas seperti sumpitan, pedang dan lembing, tentera British gagal menundukkan merekaDengan itu mereka memasang perangkap dengan menawarkan perundingan damai di Rundum. Apabila Ontoros Antonom dan pengikutnya dalam perjalanan ke tapak tersebut, mereka dikepong dan ditahan oleh beratus-ratus tentera British. Selepas itu Ontoros Antonom telah dihukum mati oleh pihak British.[2]

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